Manage two versions of Firefox each with its own configuration

Scritto da:MD     Categoria: Informatica

Hi today I will explain how to start firefox with diversified and separate personal settings

This could be useful when:
1) We would like to try a new version (pre-or beta) of firefox
2) You want to keep a clean configuration quick and keeping the other custom plugins and various


nb:If you want to download a new version go here

Click here to download Firefox

So first of all close firefox (so I advise you to print the page)

1) click contemporary “alt+F2”

write:                     firefox –profilemanager           ; dare invio

This will open a screen where you’re going to add a new profile ; es:    firefox-beta


Wanting can rename the default profile

es: Fox         ; save and close

2) Ora andremo a modificare il lanciatore di firefox nel menù

right click on; applications> edit menu

now we go in the internet and on the “firefox” do a click

Once selected clicciamo right “Edit”

in the command erase all (firefox% u)

putting: firefox-P Fox, click close

nb:instead of Fox’re going to put the name of the default profile or that we had renamed

3) Now we’re going to click on “new voice”

and we’re going to put:

A: for those who do not have another system in firefox

name = Firefox Fast

command = firefox-P Fox-fast

nb : instead of “Fox-fast” we’re going to put the second profile that we have so far

B: for anyone who has two firefox (one installed by default and the other unloaded by hand)

name = Firefox beta

command = /var/firefox/firefox-P-beta Firefox
nb : instead of “/ var / firefox /” we’re going to put the path to the folder where we extracted the. tar firefox we downloaded at the beginning, instead of “Firefox-beta” we’re going to put the second profile that we have so far

close the open windows

Now in Applications> Internet will find two types of firefox

I recommend you can not start them both at the same time

then we can use the other one closed.

Good navigation “personalized”

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