Convert avif images to png

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica


I happened to want to save an image from a website with avif format (android 12 technology), but then not be able to view it with default image reader. So I created a Nautilus script to convert it to png


The only dependency you need is Davif which you can download here:


Now download my script here:


Now just move it to your home, full path:




Where instead of USER you will put the login name


Then give it execution permissions (right click > properties > permissions > allow execution)


I hope it can be useful to you



Video conversion MB output size

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hi, I found a very handy script to convert videos and choose the final weight in MB, useful for example to reduce and insert movies in social media.

The original script is used from terminal, while I modified it and it integrates with the Nautilus file manager on Gnu/Linux distros based on Gnome

The script has the following dependencies: ffmpeg for the video and zenity for the graphical interface (so you can set the MB you want to have as endings)

On distros based on the package manager apt give:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg zenity

You can download it from here:

Then put it in the folder


Changing obviously USER with login user name

Then right click on the file , Properties , enable “allow file to run”

Well now just right click on any mp4 video, choose scripts and you will see videoMB, click on it and it will ask you the number of MB of compression, then it will start the conversion

I hope you like it!

Convert HEIC iphone mac photos to JPG with Ubuntu

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hi, I ran into a friend of mine who has iphone with the problem of opening with Ubuntu his photos which however are in HEIC format.

I found an easy solution:

open a terminal and type in

sudo apt-get install libheif-examples

give enter and type in your password to install this dependency,

After that create a text file and call it whatever you like, I put “”

give it execution permissions (right click properties > permissions > execution)

then open it up and write in it:

for f in *.HEIC
echo “I am converting the file $f”
heif-convert $f $f.jpg

Now save and move the file to


(instead of USER put your user name)

now when you go to a folder with photos in HEIC just select everything,

right click > script >

will now start the conversion by itself, the wait will depend on the number of photos selected!!

I hope it can be of help to you


Ubuntu Bluetooth phone calls Android as handsfree

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hello, everyone,
I was able to hear and make calls from the mobile phone connected in BT (bluetooth) through the computer with Ubuntu and with headphones with microphone connected to the PC.
Let’s say how modern cars that have the Bluetooth handsfree, in fact you can make calls without headphones inserted.

0) Connect and pair the android smartphone (I used android 7.1) with BT to Ubuntu 18.04
1) Install ofono from package manager
2)Edit the file with

sudo gedit /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ofono.conf

putting in the final part

  <policy user="pulse">
<allow send_destination="org.ofono"/>


3) edit the file with

sudo gedit /etc/pulse/


load-module module-bluetooth-discover


load-module module-bluetooth-discover headset=ofono

4) Restart the PC
5) From smartphone go to BT and connect with a simple click to the already associated pc
6) In audio settings (system PC), in the input sub-menu, do not select the BT of the cell but the input of the microphone or of the PC or of the headphones connected to the PC (if it does not appear, change this setting during the call).
7) make a call and see if everything works! (remember when changing the microphone input as step 6)

Since searching on the internet I have not found any solution I have worked hard to write this guide
I hope you can use it
Greetings to all

Install Lightworks 15 on Ubuntu 17.10

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hi, the Lightworks video editing program on the official website has two versions: 14 and 15,
now on ubuntu 17.10 for the 14 there are tricks to do to make it work and find various guides googolando, while instead the version 15 is designed for ubuntu 18.04 and 18.10.
Trying alone I found this solution that I share with you:
1) go to the official website login or register

2) download the beta version
3) open a terminal (ctrl + t) and write to us
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
give and send the password even if you can not see it and send it again
4) assuming that you have downloaded Lightworks-145RC4-105935- in the download folder we give in the terminal
cd Download

dpkg-deb –extract Lightworks-145RC4-105935- estrazione-deb
dpkg-deb -e Lightworks-145RC4-105935- estrazione-deb/DEBIAN
5) DO NOT CLOSE THE TERMINAL; now let’s go with the file manager in the Downloads / extraction-deb / DEBIAN folder and open the file controll,
now let’s replace libcurl4 with libcurl4-openssl-dev
save the file and close
6) we return to the already opened terminal and we give
dpkg-deb -b estrazione-deb
sudo dpkg -i estrazione-deb.deb

7) now in the main ubuntu menu we search and start Lightworks
here we enter our login data as in the site! #END

Good video editing

Rename PDF based on the title tag data

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

after several attempts I present a new script for Nautilus (file manager present in most linux distributions): allows you to rename all the PDF files, within the same folder, according to the internal tag of the title (for instance right click, property, document, title); very useful in various cases !!!
first of all download this file:

move the file to
then by right clicking on the file
go to property > permissions
and put the check mark on “Allow file execution as a program”
Now just select the file or pdf files that interest you and right click
script >
NB: ATTENTION the script renames all the PDFs contained in that folder
NB: ATTENTION If the PDF file has no title tag the PDF will be deleted
I hope you come back useful !!!

Ubuntu 17.10 will make the Gnome interface look like old Unity

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hello everyone, after a few days of testing I managed to make the new interface Gnome of Ubuntu 17.10 similar to the old call Unity
risultato finale
it’s very simple we’ll use the extensions that the Gnome community offers:
1) install the bases for managing extensions:

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool chrome-gnome-shell dconf-editor

2) Aprire firefox e installare GNOME Shell integration plugin
3) install the following gnome shell extension (just go to the bar to the right of the extension name and bring it up)
a:Arc Menu by LinxGem33
Per disattivare pulsante menù ubuntu aprire un terminale e dare: gsettings set show-show-apps-button false
Comodo Menù
b:Dynamic Battery by Exalm
c:Dynamic Panel Transparency by rockon999
d:Extend Panel Menu by julio641742
Menù separati musica
Menù separati utente
e:Panel OSD by jens
f:Transparent Notification by ipaq3870
Notifiche semitrasparenti
g:Unite by hardpixel
4)To move the window buttons to the left (close, minimize, maximize)

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ‘close,maximize,minimize:menu’

5)To minimize the icon from the sidebar called Dock, by clicking on the icon

gsettings set click-action ‘minimize’

#####Guide on completion ……..go back to visit later, I leave you to the images#######

risultato finale

risultato finale

risultato finale

risultato finale

View mp4 videos in ubuntu 17.10 gnome+nvidia

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hello everyone,

after several searches on the web I did not find a working solution to see the video mp4 with H.264 encoding on Video (default program Video, internal name Totem).

The MPEG-4 AAC sound was heard but the video was not displayed!

In fact, if you open a terminal and write

totem namevideo.mp4

we will find a mistake like this:
libva error,driver_name=(null)

This happens above all with those who have the double graphic card in optimus intel + nvidia managed by prime

Premise: guide for those with ubuntu 17.10 (with new gnome shell interface 3.26 and later) and nvidia proprietary drivers and then xorg graphics server


I open a terminal (ctrl + alt + t) and copy and paste the following lines

rm ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/*

sudo apt-get install libde265-0 libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev libde265-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg ubuntu-restricted-extras

sudo apt install vainfo vdpau-va-driver libvdpau-va-gl1

sudo chgrp video /dev/dri -R
sudo chmod 666 /dev/dri/*
sudo chmod 755 /dev/dri
sudo usermod -a -G video username

change username with your login name

NB: in these operations you will delete nvidia-libopencl1-384, accept changes when requested

Now DO NOT immediately open a video to see, you must first reboot the system completely !!

Once reopened you will have mp4 videos that can be viewed;)

FireTray minimize thunderbird in the gnome panel

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

# # Last modified November 16, 2012 # #

Hello from time FireTray use to keep active in the bar thunderbird gnome so I signal the presence of new email!
It looks like this:
in the absence of email


with email notification arrived


I wrote this article because I realized that installing certain versions of FireTray on thunderbird does not always work.

Now and then I write the respective correspondences versions make it all work:

Thunderbird 9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16   —-> firetray-0.4.0a2.xpi

NB: For version 16 will only count for incoming mail and right click and closing only one new message (the rest comes under management)

Thunderbird 8 —-> firetray-0.3.0-svn-r134M.xpi
(later update from add-ons otherwise does not go directly)

Compress pdf script with Nautilus

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

After doing a search on the net I found that pdf file compression is quite dark!

To make life easier I created a script Nautilus (tested on version 10.04 and 11.04 of ubuntu 64bit, but working with all of them)

The script compresses the pdf looking for in the can to maintain good visual quality.

First you need to install a dependency, open the terminal and write

sudo apt-get install ghostscript

Now download the script created by me

Once you have downloaded the script must be placed in


then right-clicking on the file

go to properties> permissions

and put the check “Allow executing file as program”

Now just you select the PDF file you need, and right-click

script> Compress-PDF

now wait patiently (depends on the weight of the file)

I hope you might come in handy!


if you want to leave me: comments, report errors, constructive criticism! write here