Ubuntu 17.10 will make the Gnome interface look like old Unity

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hello everyone, after a few days of testing I managed to make the new interface Gnome of Ubuntu 17.10 similar to the old call Unity
risultato finale
it’s very simple we’ll use the extensions that the Gnome community offers:
1) install the bases for managing extensions:

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool chrome-gnome-shell dconf-editor

2) Aprire firefox e installare GNOME Shell integration plugin
3) install the following gnome shell extension (just go to the bar to the right of the extension name and bring it up)
a:Arc Menu by LinxGem33
Per disattivare pulsante menù ubuntu aprire un terminale e dare: gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock show-show-apps-button false
Comodo Menù
b:Dynamic Battery by Exalm
c:Dynamic Panel Transparency by rockon999
d:Extend Panel Menu by julio641742
Menù separati musica
Menù separati utente
e:Panel OSD by jens
f:Transparent Notification by ipaq3870
Notifiche semitrasparenti
g:Unite by hardpixel
4)To move the window buttons to the left (close, minimize, maximize)

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ‘close,maximize,minimize:menu’

5)To minimize the icon from the sidebar called Dock, by clicking on the icon

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock click-action ‘minimize’

#####Guide on completion ……..go back to visit later, I leave you to the images#######

risultato finale

risultato finale

risultato finale

risultato finale

FireTray minimize thunderbird in the gnome panel

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

# # Last modified November 16, 2012 # #

Hello from time FireTray use to keep active in the bar thunderbird gnome so I signal the presence of new email!
It looks like this:
in the absence of email


with email notification arrived


I wrote this article because I realized that installing certain versions of FireTray on thunderbird does not always work.

Now and then I write the respective correspondences versions make it all work:

Thunderbird 9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16   —-> firetray-0.4.0a2.xpi

NB: For version 16 will only count for incoming mail and right click and closing only one new message (the rest comes under management)

Thunderbird 8 —-> firetray-0.3.0-svn-r134M.xpi
(later update from add-ons otherwise does not go directly)

Compress pdf script with Nautilus

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

After doing a search on the net I found that pdf file compression is quite dark!

To make life easier I created a script Nautilus (tested on version 10.04 and 11.04 of ubuntu 64bit, but working with all of them)

The script compresses the pdf looking for in the can to maintain good visual quality.

First you need to install a dependency, open the terminal and write

sudo apt-get install ghostscript

Now download the script created by me

Once you have downloaded the script must be placed in


then right-clicking on the file

go to properties> permissions

and put the check “Allow executing file as program”

Now just you select the PDF file you need, and right-click

script> Compress-PDF

now wait patiently (depends on the weight of the file)

I hope you might come in handy!


if you want to leave me: comments, report errors, constructive criticism! write here

Add links to the applet indicator (envelope) of gnome

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

# # Last update: January 15, 2011 # #

You know those icon Envelope right of the panel gnome ubuntu?


Well you can add the link to the drop-down menu to open several programs

here’s how you would have after adding your favorite programs:


For the occasion, I created a script for the most popular programs:







Once you have downloaded the execute permissions with

right click

> properties> permissions> (tick) consetire executing file as program

To run the script you have to click

alt + F2

and write gksudo

then given a space and drag the script then press enter
[es: gksudo /home/Vostronome/Add-INDICATOR-Zenity.sh]

if you want to leave me: comments, report errors, constructive criticism! write here