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    Disclaimer for content site/blog: This site/blog is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. It can not therefore be considered an editorial product under Law No. 62, 7.03.2001. The author is not responsible for the comments posted by readers in every post.Verranno delete comments deemed offensive or harmful to the image or repute of third gender spam, racist or that contain personal information not in accordance with the compliance Privacy Policy. Some texts or pictures posted in this blog are taken from the internet and thus considered to be in the public domain; if their publication violated any copyright, please notify via email through a special form above. Will immediately rimossi.L’autore the blog is not responsible for linked websites or their content that may be subject to change over time.IMPORTANT INFORMATION: In this site we traditionally refer mainly to events / this information by Italian, therefore the content in Italian will be the most comprehensive and updated more frequently.
