Ultimate Guide 2013 Hack the Kobo Glo

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica, Senza categoria

Hello everyone today finally I managed to write this guide trying to be more complete and simple as possible!
For every trick I created a file so just download it and then follow the instructions!

0_ open the new global kobo or after factory reset ( hard reset = more light button pressed start button right to see red light , then release and wait for reset )

1_ Insert the usb port to pc then in kobo choose to: a_configurare via PC if after point 0_ or b_ to connect if the kobo is already configured (used )

2_ make a backup copy of the database , then copy the database with user unlocked KoboReader.sqlite in the folder / .kobo / KoboReader.sqlite PS : by doing so we will not have automatic updates

3_ safe removal kobo from the PC , and then disconnect the USB cable !

4_ will now ask you whether or not to publish on facebook (I put no) PS : The factory firmware is 2.1.2 of 31/08/2012

5_ Now update the firmware of our kobo to the stable version ” 2013Release – 2.8.1 – AuraHomeScreen + tastieraMigliore ” ( of 15/07/13 ) . Insert the USB socket on the PC and on the Kobo click ” Connect” ( the screen that comes up automatically ” discovered computer .”) Then copy the file ” KoboRoot.tgz ” inside the folder kobo / . Kobo ( on ubuntu ctrl + h to see hidden files ) PS : other firmware can be found in http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185660

6_ Do not unplug the Kobo but still copy the dictionaries that you will find in the compressed archive in / .kobo / dict /
safely remove the kobo , you will now see that you update ( as long as you let him do reboots )

7_ Reinsert the usb if you want to google NOT that you draw your own research and readings . Copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” in / . Kobo /
safely disconnect and wait for the update

8_ Reinsert the usb if you want to add a handy menu that will allow you to launch applications in QT ( chess, checkers , notepad, calculator and others.) Copy the root directory ” launcher.png ” then copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” in / . kobo /
safely disconnect and wait for the update.

9_ Reinsert the usb if you want to add ” kobotweaks -glo .” Copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” in / . Kobo /
safely disconnect and wait for the update

10_ Put the usb if you want to add night function will reverse the long keypress light colors on e-ink screen ( the white becomes black and vice versa) . Very useful for reading in complete darkness ( less toil eyes ) Copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” and ” nightmode.ini ” and ” kobotweaks.ini ” in / . kobo /

11_ For the geeks 😉 we enable telnet via wi -fi: Copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” in / .kobo / .scollegare safely and wait for the update . Once restarted colleghiamoci the wi-fi network from the pc then in a terminal type ” telnet ipKOBO ”
to discover the ‘ ipKobo go to the menu of the kobo > Settings> Device Information

NOTE – 1: If instead you want to synchronize your library mondadori avoid steps and 1_ 5_ since the kobo you will update via wi-fi

NOTE – 2: If after updating the kobo as note 2 and you want to block the firmware version and inpedire updates and synchronization library mondadori Re-insert the usb , copy ” KoboRoot.tgz ” in / . Kobo / . Disconnect safely and wait for the update

NOTE -3 : You can change / modify the logo mondadori to the default of Kobo : enter / . Kobo / and edit the file ” affiliate.conf ” then replace ” Kobo ” to ” Mondadori ” ( = Kobo affiliate ) can be put other type “affiliate = fnac .”

NOTE-4: If you want you can open the kobo and replace the sd 2GB internal with another larger capacity, in October this guide will also

NOTE-5: To manage the libraries and add to your ebook kobo you can use the fantastic program called Calibre or use proprietary software Kobo Desktop

I hope this guide approaching many users as possible to the world of e-readers because remember that e-readers with e-ink screen do not tire and will not harm the view , it is as if we read on paper without cutting down trees and forests !

Good hack at all !!!

if you want to leave me: comments, report errors, constructive criticism! write here

Kobo desktop manager ereader ubuntu 12.04

Posted by MD     Category: Informatica

Hello all I wanted to inform you that you can install eReader Kobo Desktop on ubuntu 12.04 (currently not supported) through these simple steps:
1) Download and install libicu44 oneiric version
2) Download and install libzip1 for oneiric
3) Now let us of missing dependencies which unfortunately does not install themselves with the basic package:

sudo apt-get install libzip2 libpng3 libssl0.9.8

4) Ora basta scarica ed installare il programma “Kobo Desktop eReader”


screenshot del programma

Here are some more screenshots of the program

Collegamento via usb al nostro kobo

eBook Readers

eBook Readers di Kobo

I hope this trick will be useful

if you want to leave me: comments, report errors, constructive criticism! write here