[MOD-SRS2012] Graphic improvements and Autoguide fix

Scritto da:MD     Categoria: MOD SRS2012

Courseplay is dependent on the keg of beerKeg from farm simulator 2011. I just installed fs2011 demo and saved the file. The zip folder must be placed in []../SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Ski Region Simulator/data/maps/models/objects

Mod downloadable from ModHoster

Looking on the official giant forum on how to increase the visual rendering “circle”, then see shadows and objects from afar, I found a little program written by a modder that allows you to do everything automatically and also restore in case of problems. You must put in the installation folder (I also created a fake file farm simulator otherwise the program is not running) of the game and start as administrator. It also works if you put it in the folder of any map you want to improve! With my notebook it works very well, I hope yours too 😉

If on startup you get a warning: CRC64 click yes and continue without problems

Mod downloadable from ModHoster

Have fun!

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