Hi, as I was accustomed to vidalia, I had to endeavor to better manage tor on the new version! But let’s take it easy, first of all we install tor, open the terminal with ctrl + t:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Now it will open a text editor, copy and paste the following line at the bottom:
deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org xenial main
save and close the editor. Always on the terminal to:
gpg –keyserver keys.gnupg.net –recv 886DDD89 gpg –export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add – sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install deb.torproject.org-keyring
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor
then you have to install the proxy:
sudo apt-get install polipo
sudo gedit /etc/polipo/config
### Basic configuration
### *******************
# Uncomment one of these if you want to allow remote clients to
# connect:
# proxyAddress = "::0" # both IPv4 and IPv6
# proxyAddress = "" # IPv4 only
proxyAddress = ""
proxyPort = 8118
# If you do that, you'll want to restrict the set of hosts allowed to
# connect:
# allowedClients = ","
# allowedClients = ","
allowedClients =
allowedPorts = 1-65535
# Uncomment this if you want your Polipo to identify itself by
# something else than the host name:
proxyName = "localhost"
# Uncomment this if there's only one user using this instance of Polipo:
cacheIsShared = false
# Uncomment this if you want to use a parent proxy:
# parentProxy = "squid.example.org:3128"
# Uncomment this if you want to use a parent SOCKS proxy:
socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5
Well now you have to configure:
sudo gedit /etc/default/tor
We’re going to put in place of RUN_DAEMON=”yes”
Now to prevent the automatic start giving:
sudo systemctl disable tor.service
sudo update-rc.d tor disable
sudo update-rc.d -f tor remove
Now restart your PC! To graphically manage the start-tor instead of vidalia I created a small program with gui Download it here
Put it in your home or wherever you like is important not to move it if you want that it does not require a password:
sudo gedit /etc/sudoers OR sudo visudo
basically enter:
YourName ALL= NOPASSWD: /home/YourName/Tor-polipo.sh
Here now right-click on Tor-polipo.sh in your home, click properties, permissions enable the execution! For firefox you should get “Proxy selector” by Michele Pezza, to manage the proxy now easily go on plugins, manage proxy , add and copy the following configurations:
Good surfing Tor 😉